hahahahahaha, this is our video (:
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The LAST blog! Bye bye !!!!!!..............
Hello everybody!
I like english, that’s why I sign on the classes (:
Although sometimes I did not liked to sit at the Icei and wait for classes in the end I was learning. In the beginning of the year I thought that English classes would be very interesting and I was going to learn everything I need. I took a disappointment but I ended up gaining other things. I end up learning new things about my career and (what is the best) I have won a lot of beautiful and crazy friends (:
At first I hated the English classes (the ones of the first semester) because I thought that it was a totally waste of time and we had to stay in the university till late… I was not used to that. The classes were so boring and the topics of the blogs were all about journalism and I think we were very tired of talking and listening only about journalism. The first semester was over and I founded that I had not learned much. I was angry and I decided not take English classes the second semester.
Despite that and although I didn’t liked, I learned English in terms of my career (: journalism. And that obviously is very useful to me, I can’t deny that.
Finally, this semester my friends Alicia and Nacho convinced me to take the last course of the english program of the university. I knew what would happen as well with all my friends, but thought I was bored. Besides the classes ended later. This semester was definitely better, I had a great time. The classes were very dynamic and I learned about aspects of daily life. And about the blogs, I think that it help us to be more interested in english. Also, I think that the blog experience help us to get to know eachothers (about the things that we like).
I feel that all of us learned so much and differently. I mean that, I’m sure that the classes of the school were so boring because they were easy and all they taught us there are basic things that only serve to say “Hello” to someone else and introduce yourself.
I laughed very much and I don't like to be dramatic but I'll miss the english class (of this semester) because I really like my classmates and all the things that we talked in the classes.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The challenges
A lot of people think that journalism is very easy.
I think the most difficult thing in the career is that there’s too man journalist and that sucks because a lot of private universities are starting the career and sometimes the education that is given to the student is not the best, but many students like those universities because they have good equipment and stuffs of good quality.
In the technology, I think that there are many challenges. Because we have to work with good and essentials elements. And we have to learn how to use them. For example, in the ICEI there’s not good technology for all the students, there’s not many cameras for photography and the computers re the worst, we have to be fighting with them ahahaha.
In connection with Social Matters, I don’t understand so much the topic but I think that is hard for the journalist to have an own voice and not get carried away by all the big media. Also, in Chile many people think that all we do is studying be on the TV for opine and talking about all the famous people.
About Education it depends very much on the place that one is studying, for example, It’s no the same stud here (Universidad de Chile) that study journalism in the Universidad Católica. There are points of views there are too different from each. And journalists have to be learning and exploring new things all the time
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hello ! (:
Well, what I like about the summer is the vacations hahahaha, I think that's the only thing 'cause I HATE the sun!!! So I always have to be with sunscreen because I am allergic to the sun ¬¬. But after all the summer it's fun and you can party all nights (:
I like the autumn because it's my birthday (may 17) and the landscapes look very cute with all the leaves falling in the ground. Also, the weather is vey nice.
I love the winter !!! think it's my favorite season. I love the cold weather and the rain.
And finally... what I like about the spring is the nice weather, but I don't like this season because it's when my allergies starts :(. I'm sneezing all day and I'm itching all over my body, I think it is the most terrible thing there is in the year.
Mmmm.... the changes of the seasons has no meaning for me, sometimes I do not notice when the seasons change. So I don't care.
In Copiapó (where I was born) rains every four years and after that there's the "Desierto Florido". It's when the desert blooms and it's very very beautifull. (:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Hello, I like study here, in general the place is very cool, but there's a lot of things that need to be improve.
For example, the technologic is so poor. Icei should have the latest technology, like good computers, cameras, classrooms... And a lot of them, not just 3 cameras for all of us. In the classrooms the seats are old and in bad condition. Many times we do not have enough space in the classrooms for the classes. and many have to be on the floor. Our library is super poor compared with others here at the campus.
Also, we need to bring our own notebooks for work because the computers here are really bad
So I think that's the things that need (really need) to be improv. I find that we pay a lot of money to study here and this is not reflected in the tools we have to work
Mmmm... I don't know how the university can improve the implements. I imagine that there must be many steps to do such thing. But I think that everything shoul be replaced by something better.
With these improvements for students would be so much easier to work. We would not be fighting with computers every time they do not work. It would be much easier to work and students would be happy to come and study here (maybe not happy ahahaha).
And finally I think we have to protect the good thing that at here at the university.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mmmmm I get high with a little help from my friends.
(: Now I'll talk to you about friends and family. In my family we are four. My mother (Maru), my father (Haroldo), my brother, my three dogs (Serena, Lara and Naomi) and me. I am the older daughter but I have a cousin (Fabio) that is like my old brother and I love them very much.
I have many many cousins, are about 25, I'm not friends with everyone, but we still get well.
I have many many cousins, are about 25, I'm not friends with everyone, but we still get well.
I think that my family and my friends have influenced my life, because both of them are very important to me.
Now I live alone in Santiago. Every month one member of my family come to visit me. I miss them, especially my brother and my pets. But my brother is gonna come to Santiago to study and we are going to live together. We are like friends and we never fight so live with Martín (my brother) will be very fun (: I don't have problems with any of them. And I don't think that I have a rol in my family. Basically, I think we are very normals and I think that all that matters is that we love eachother. I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I have are really good ones. My best friend's name is Lorena and now she lives in La Serena and she's studying a career about education. She is twenty years old and she's my bff since always, when I was born I met her and we became friends. I know all of her family and she knows mine, so her cousins are like mine. We don't have many things in comun but when we are together we can't stop laughing. Even though when I was 10 years old I went to live to Calama, over the years we never stop being friends. I never lost the friends I had in Copiapo and with facebook I've contacted a lot of old friends. When I was living in Calama I had some friends, but now I barely talk to them. It's very sad, but now I have new and better friends (that sound a little bit cruel).
Now... My closest friends are my friends from here (: We always have fun, we go to drink cofee at Starbucks and spend money like crazys ahahaha. They are Alicia, Nacho, Yoyi and K-le. we never fight and we all know eachother very well. I see them every day (except on the weekends) and we are together all the time. We are differents but I think that we all have special things in comun (and that is why we are friends). They are so beautiful and I love them. (xoxo for them).
I like having new friends' cause it's fun. Sometimes we talk about really ridiculous things and we like to laugh at everything and about ourselves. Also, we sing a lot and we take a tons of photos.
Finally... I want to say that I like my english classmates.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Muuuuusic (:
(: Hello
I love music so I'm with my mp4 player on all day. There's people that can be all day without listening music, but I can't. My parents also love the music. And my brother plays the guitar and a little of drums. Years ago I used to play the guitar but I got bored. I think that music can help when one is going through difficult moments because it can relax you or something else.
The music that I love is rock, pop, indie, punk and that kind of style.
My favorite band is Los Bunkers! I love them ! They're from Concepción, Chile. I know them since 2001 and the first song that I heard of them was 'Fantasias animadas de ayer y hoy'. I've bought all the albums and the dvds. Now they're in Mexico ¬¬
About concerts.... The last big concert I went was of Cat Power !!! It was on 21 of July of this year. I was in just in front of her. And in the end she gave to me a setlist *.* (ok ok ok... she threw it to the public and I grabbed it, but I'm sure that she look at me and threw it to ME!).
But in... september I went to a little concert of Chinoy with Manuel García in support of the mapuche cause. It was in a hill and that day was raining. So it was very cool (:
This year I went to the concerts of: Radiohead, Cat Power, Coiffeur, Los Bunkers, Holden... and others I don't remember xD
The bands that I like are (they are not in a order): Los bunkers, The beatles, Gepe, Manuel García, Radiohead, Tegan & Sara, Calle 13, Velvet underground, Camera Obscura, Bat for lashes, The Gossip, Mika, Blur, She and him, The delgados, Belle and Sebastian, Sex pistols, Daniel Johnston and a looooot of other bands.
I would like go to a concert of: Bat for lashes or The Gossip. I don't know.
I don't have a favorite song, because I think it changes depending on the mood or a specific time of life. Right now my favorite song is Tanto creo en ti - Manuel García. And 'We are golden' - Mika
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Charlie Higson: the truth about boys, girls, zombies, vampires and sex
Everybody knows that vampires and death are fashionable. There’re Twilight movie and books, True Blood, Conde Vrolok… (ahahahah the new show of TVN)
The article that I read is an opinion column. Charlie Higson (the author of the article) says that between vampiros and zombies, the Vampires are so much coleers. Besides because He says that today the vampires are more IN than the rest of the monsters. They're both undead, they both feed on us, they both pass on some kind of plague and they can both be killed with specialist techniques.
I feel that this column express exclactly what I think about vampires and zoombies. The first are cooler while the zoombies are dumbs and slow ahahaha.
Well, in the article Charlie explians why he thinks that vampires are the best. Also, he write about the world phenomen that is arround the world. And one of the answers that he finds is: “Vampires are the undead of choice for girls, and zombies for boys”. He says that is all something of the ages and maturity of the girls or boys.
Hey ! I'm very very very tired so sorry for this short entry (: Bye !
Everybody knows that vampires and death are fashionable. There’re Twilight movie and books, True Blood, Conde Vrolok… (ahahahah the new show of TVN)
The article that I read is an opinion column. Charlie Higson (the author of the article) says that between vampiros and zombies, the Vampires are so much coleers. Besides because He says that today the vampires are more IN than the rest of the monsters. They're both undead, they both feed on us, they both pass on some kind of plague and they can both be killed with specialist techniques.
I feel that this column express exclactly what I think about vampires and zoombies. The first are cooler while the zoombies are dumbs and slow ahahaha.
Well, in the article Charlie explians why he thinks that vampires are the best. Also, he write about the world phenomen that is arround the world. And one of the answers that he finds is: “Vampires are the undead of choice for girls, and zombies for boys”. He says that is all something of the ages and maturity of the girls or boys.
Hey ! I'm very very very tired so sorry for this short entry (: Bye !
Thursday, October 8, 2009
S a n t i a g o
Many people say that Santiago is boring and ugly. But I think that's not true, because I have a lot of fun here. There's a lot of places to visit so if a friend come to visit me here in Santiago. I think that depends of the likes and dislikes of the person.
Well I think that a foreigner tourist shoul visit many places as he/she can, especially the ones that are outdoor. And have fun with friends
But I'll tell her that she has to know the center of the city because yo can walk and see a lot of people. There's also.. The Santa Lucia and San Cristobal's hills. There one can take photos and buy souvenirs for family and friends.
The Lastarria's street and the streets that are near from there.
If you want to visit places outside Santiago you have to go to the Buin Zoo, it's very fun and it's a lovely place. If you want to party you have to go to Bellavista neighborhood, there are many many many places of different styles of music.
Well I think that a foreigner tourist shoul visit many places as he/she can, especially the ones that are outdoor. And have fun with friends
But I'll tell her that she has to know the center of the city because yo can walk and see a lot of people. There's also.. The Santa Lucia and San Cristobal's hills. There one can take photos and buy souvenirs for family and friends.
The Lastarria's street and the streets that are near from there.
If you want to visit places outside Santiago you have to go to the Buin Zoo, it's very fun and it's a lovely place. If you want to party you have to go to Bellavista neighborhood, there are many many many places of different styles of music.
Friday, October 2, 2009
True Blood & Seinfeld
Hi everyone. I love this topic, I think is the first time that I really, really like one of the topics ahahahaha.
It's so difficult choose one favorite series, because i watch a lot of series, I could be all the day in my bed watching tv. About the series I do not have a favorite topic, for example, I like fiction, reality series or TV animation series (like Ranma 1 / 2, Shin Chan, 31 minutes, Lenore, Candy, Daria, Kablam).
Now I'm kind of obsessed for two series.
One of them is Seinfeld. This show is about the life of four friends, it has humor, a lot of surface conflicts and various strange characters. Many episodes revolved around the main characters becoming involved in the lives of others with typically disastrous results. And that's what I most like about the series. The main characters are Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Elaine Benes and Cosmo Kramer.
The acting is very natural, the dialogues are cool and it does not have special effects.
The series that I've always liked are Friends, The L Word, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Gray's Anatomy, The Sarah Silverman Program, That 70s Show, Saturday Night Live, Dead Like Me, The Big Bang Theory, Joan of Arcadia, Kath & Kim, Everybody Hates Chris, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model... Oh! And El Señor de la Querencia !!! (:
It's so difficult choose one favorite series, because i watch a lot of series, I could be all the day in my bed watching tv. About the series I do not have a favorite topic, for example, I like fiction, reality series or TV animation series (like Ranma 1 / 2, Shin Chan, 31 minutes, Lenore, Candy, Daria, Kablam).
Now I'm kind of obsessed for two series.
One of them is Seinfeld. This show is about the life of four friends, it has humor, a lot of surface conflicts and various strange characters. Many episodes revolved around the main characters becoming involved in the lives of others with typically disastrous results. And that's what I most like about the series. The main characters are Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Elaine Benes and Cosmo Kramer.
The acting is very natural, the dialogues are cool and it does not have special effects.
I like it because is very funny and makes me laugh at situations that we could pass all of us.
This video is from my favorite episode (:
True Blood! The serie shows the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps and all this thanks to the sale of artificial blood called "Tru Blood"(invented by a chinese guy). The main characters are Sookie Stackhouse (a telepathic waitress) who falls in love with a vampire named Bill Compton. The special effects are great and subtle, so everything looks normal. The dialogues are very good.
This video is from my favorite episode (:
True Blood! The serie shows the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps and all this thanks to the sale of artificial blood called "Tru Blood"(invented by a chinese guy). The main characters are Sookie Stackhouse (a telepathic waitress) who falls in love with a vampire named Bill Compton. The special effects are great and subtle, so everything looks normal. The dialogues are very good.
I like reality shows because no one had imagined. The other vampire series are always the same and so boring. Instead True Blood mix different elements, like vampires, telepathy, Greek legends ... and shows situations that go beyond the ordinary in these stories. I feel that you have everithing that a series needs. You have drama, comedy, love, passion, deaths and each character has something special that make them very interesting.
My favorite characters are Pam and Eric. They are vampires and have a very high rank among all vampires. They have a sarcastic humor that I love.
Here's two videos, one of Pam *.* and the next is the promo of the second season of the series.
My favorite characters are Pam and Eric. They are vampires and have a very high rank among all vampires. They have a sarcastic humor that I love.
Here's two videos, one of Pam *.* and the next is the promo of the second season of the series.
The series that I've always liked are Friends, The L Word, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Gray's Anatomy, The Sarah Silverman Program, That 70s Show, Saturday Night Live, Dead Like Me, The Big Bang Theory, Joan of Arcadia, Kath & Kim, Everybody Hates Chris, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model... Oh! And El Señor de la Querencia !!! (:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I don't have problems with Transantiago (:
Hello, I'm not from Santiago (I'm from Copiapó (: )... So I never knew the old system of transportation because I live here since last year. In Calama (where I lived) the transportation is so bad, the buses are old and they're in poor condition. The busses are really slow. So compared to that I really like Transantiago hahahahaha In the beginning of last year I lived next to the La Moneda station. The first days that I used Transantiago I hated that in the mornings everything was crowded and everybody was upset. But I got used very fast. Then I moved to a different flat, now I live next to the Los Heroes station and everyday I get on the 510 bus and in a half an hour I arrive to the university. It’s very comfortable for me because I get on the bus qhen it's empty so I travel sit while I'm reading or listening to music. I have such a bad luck, so when I go out late from my flat, the bus never pass and takes too long to go to university. As I live in Santiago Centro I go walking to everywhere and I use the subways or a bus only when the place that I'm going is far away. What I don't like is that a lot of people don't pay and then they're complain about it, I think that is very rude.
Despite that, I think Transantiago is better. It seems now the buses are better and bigger. I don't know what changes could be, maybe more busses... I really don't know ahahahaha.
Despite that, I think Transantiago is better. It seems now the buses are better and bigger. I don't know what changes could be, maybe more busses... I really don't know ahahahaha.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hello! (: I love to travel. One of the greatest trips I've done is when I traveled to the south of Chile a couple of years ago, those vacations were so much fun. I have visited only two countries: Argentina and Brasil (the visit was only for a day, but I loved it).
There are two countries that I will like to visit, they are: Greece and England. Greece because I think it's a beautiful place and I think that the Greek mythology is very interesting. A long time ago I saw some photos of little cities and they were sooo cute. The country has amazing lanscapes and a lot of places to visit. For example: Athens, the museums, the sculptures and the architecture that they own... and of course the many lakes and beaches.
But... the country that I will most like to visit is England (: I think it's so fun. Well... England is a cool country, because it's has new and old things (like the castles) for tourist visits.
I would go just to travel and have a good time ahahahahaha and if really really like it and I find a cool job I might work there.
The only thing that I'm sure, it's that I will not go alone, it will be very scary and boring.
What I most like of England are the bands that are from there, like THE BEATLES (one of my favourite music bands), The Rolling Stones (I don't like them, but they're a great band), The Kinks (I loveeee them!), The Who, Queen, Blur, The Spice Girls, Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, Radiohead, David Bowie, Coldplay, Placebo...
I've listened that it's very expensive travel to Europe, so I will have to earn a lot a lot a lot of money to buy the fly tickets and all the gifts that I'll buy for my friends and family.
There are two countries that I will like to visit, they are: Greece and England. Greece because I think it's a beautiful place and I think that the Greek mythology is very interesting. A long time ago I saw some photos of little cities and they were sooo cute. The country has amazing lanscapes and a lot of places to visit. For example: Athens, the museums, the sculptures and the architecture that they own... and of course the many lakes and beaches.
But... the country that I will most like to visit is England (: I think it's so fun. Well... England is a cool country, because it's has new and old things (like the castles) for tourist visits.
I would go just to travel and have a good time ahahahahaha and if really really like it and I find a cool job I might work there.
The only thing that I'm sure, it's that I will not go alone, it will be very scary and boring.
What I most like of England are the bands that are from there, like THE BEATLES (one of my favourite music bands), The Rolling Stones (I don't like them, but they're a great band), The Kinks (I loveeee them!), The Who, Queen, Blur, The Spice Girls, Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, Radiohead, David Bowie, Coldplay, Placebo...
I've listened that it's very expensive travel to Europe, so I will have to earn a lot a lot a lot of money to buy the fly tickets and all the gifts that I'll buy for my friends and family.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Hello ! How are you? I am good (:
So... My first term? I spend a great vacation with my parents and my brother, my parents came to Santiago for a few days, then we went to Argentina ! It was really fun. And finally we went to Calama, though I don't like calama, I spent a good time with my and my little dog Naomi.
I didn't like the first term at the career, it was so boring. I hated 'Expresión Oral' and all the others subjects. The only subject that I loved was 'El Cine Como Arte', there I knew a lot of pretty actresses (like Anna Karina).
I am the most lazy girl on the planet guahahaahahahhaah And I have physical problems in my back, so there are a lot of sports that I can't practice in the end... Last term I didn't do any sport. But this month I started with yoga classes and it's fun and very relaxing.
There wasn't many challenges in my life that I had to face. I talked about some issues with my family and friends. Ultimately, everything went out very well. Now I am really happy because they are ok with everything.
I used to have a girlfriend and it was really cool because i went to a lot of places and parties whit her. But that was over jajajajajajjajajaja now I'm single and I enjoy it, because now I spend all my time with my lovely friends (I love them).
So... My first term? I spend a great vacation with my parents and my brother, my parents came to Santiago for a few days, then we went to Argentina ! It was really fun. And finally we went to Calama, though I don't like calama, I spent a good time with my and my little dog Naomi.
I didn't like the first term at the career, it was so boring. I hated 'Expresión Oral' and all the others subjects. The only subject that I loved was 'El Cine Como Arte', there I knew a lot of pretty actresses (like Anna Karina).
I am the most lazy girl on the planet guahahaahahahhaah And I have physical problems in my back, so there are a lot of sports that I can't practice in the end... Last term I didn't do any sport. But this month I started with yoga classes and it's fun and very relaxing.
There wasn't many challenges in my life that I had to face. I talked about some issues with my family and friends. Ultimately, everything went out very well. Now I am really happy because they are ok with everything.
I used to have a girlfriend and it was really cool because i went to a lot of places and parties whit her. But that was over jajajajajajjajajaja now I'm single and I enjoy it, because now I spend all my time with my lovely friends (I love them).
On winter vacations I went to visit my family to Calama and then we went to Copiapó. I loved those days.
The greatest memories of the first term:
- Vacations with my family - Radiohead concert - Cat Power concert (I love her with all my heart and soul)
- Days with my friends.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bye bye bye english blog !
Hello ! So, this is my last entry in my english blog ): I never thought that I was going to enjoy these english class. At first I thought that the classes was going to be really boring. But i had fun and I laughed very much. I have never had a blog for a class, so this is my first time. I really enjoy it, because it is a fun experience and I think that it help us to be more interested in english and in the classes. Also, I think that the blog experience help us to get to know eachothers, I mean that, before I just knew things about my friends, but know, thanks to the blogs I know a little bit more about all my classmates and it is fun 'cause I like everyboby. I think that the blog experience obviously help us! At least to me it help me very very much. I am really bad writing in english so with this blog I have seen all the mistakes that I constantly do. I think that the advantages of blogging in the english class is to improve our writing in different kind of topics, for example, the things that we like, our dreams and others. Also, it is important for us to write about what we study... journalism! ahahaha. Maybe a disadvantage is that write in the blog distracts a little because one start to look other websites like facebook. But apart of that, I don't think that there's disadvantages in this. I guees this is the end, I don't like to be dramatic but I'll miss the english class because I really like my classmates and all the things that we talked in the classes. So good bye! (:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
My dream job, so perfect
Hello (: How are you? wow! A job! ahaha..... I have never worked in anything, so I have no idea about jobs. But, I will dream for a little while ok? I don't want to work in tv, because I think that there you have to be too formal to dress and all those things. I would like to have my own magazine (: An electronic magazine (I think it be cheaper than a paper one). And I would like to work with a group of friends, because it would not be boring. Hopefully all of them journalist. I would love that in my electronic magazine I could write about music and art events. That way I would go to a lot of places, concerts and movies and then I would write comments of what I saw. It would be soooooo fun and if I could do that I'll be so happy (: I think that for a job like this a journalist should be very responsable and hard working, don't you think? I could be really good at my dream job because I like to have fun and I enjoy going to music shows and listen to cool music. Finally, I guess that it's hard to find a job like this, because every people that enjoy music and arts would kill for a job like this. (: xoxo !
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Do Schools Kill Creativity ?
Hello ! What Ken Robinson postulates is that the schools kill the creativity of the students. He says that everybody has a interest in education and that the children has a capacity of innovation and creativity, because they are not afraid of being wrong. This changes when people become adult. Somehow the schools tries to remove them from their creativity. He says that today our educational sistem is based on the idea of the academic ability. And the most useful subjects for work are in the top. He thinks that our only hope to the future is to adopt a new conception about human ecology, and we have to rethink the fundamentals principals that we are teaching the children. I am agree with him because most of the school tries to impose their rules and what they think it is right and good. And it should not be like that, I think that in the schools should exist the freedom to let as be as we want to.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Favorite Subject .
Hello !
I don't have a favourite subject in this semester, but right now the one that I most like is Crónica y Entrevista. The teacher is the journalist Ximena Póo and the student Pily help her with the Ayudantía. What I like the most are the chronicles because they are entertained and very interesting of realizing. But I dont like the interviews because I'm not good at it.
I think this subject is very fun and dynamic.
I don't have a favourite subject in this semester, but right now the one that I most like is Crónica y Entrevista. The teacher is the journalist Ximena Póo and the student Pily help her with the Ayudantía. What I like the most are the chronicles because they are entertained and very interesting of realizing. But I dont like the interviews because I'm not good at it.
I think this subject is very fun and dynamic.
This semester I have learned to write better and to have a own style.
This semester the subject that I less like is Expresión Oral y Corporal.
I'm wating for the subject Fotografía, I think that will be sooo much fun (:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My future (:
Hello, now I'm 20 years old. So, in five years I'll be..... 25 ahahahahhaa. I don't know what I'll be doing. I hope that in twenty years from now I will be finished this career. Maybe, after that I'll be studying other things... Or I'll be working.
But I don't know in what/where I'll be working. I don't like the television, so I would like to be working in a magazine, journal or in radio.
Personally?... OMG ahahhaa... I have no idea about that. I don't want to think that I'll be with the same person that I am now, because maybe in five years we'll not be together and that is sad. So I have no comments about that.
I don't want to come back to Calama, so I want to still living here in Santiago. 'Cause I like this city.
I really really really don't know what I want.
I hope that in five years I can win the Kino and that way I'll have a lot of money to travel and have fun with the people that I love (:
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I don't know (:
Hello ! How are you?
ok... I don't know a lot of journalists... But one of the last books that I read was "El don de arder". This book was written by Ima Sanchis. I don't know if she is the best but she's the only journalist that I can remember now.
She is a writer and a journalist that star to write when she was seventeen. Since then she has travel around the world.
She has published three tells: "La mujer cañón", "La mirona" and "Patitas de mosca". And also, two books: "Biografía de una estrella" and "El Don de Arder. Mujeres que están cambiando el mundo".
I choose Ima because I really liked "El don de arder". In this book she shows fifty-nine dialogue portraits... They are the histories of womans that have defend her ideals.
I liked the book because it's really interesting and easy to read and there she could write very well the histories.
Here is a picture of Ima and one of the cover of the book

Bye !
ok... I don't know a lot of journalists... But one of the last books that I read was "El don de arder". This book was written by Ima Sanchis. I don't know if she is the best but she's the only journalist that I can remember now.
She is a writer and a journalist that star to write when she was seventeen. Since then she has travel around the world.
She has published three tells: "La mujer cañón", "La mirona" and "Patitas de mosca". And also, two books: "Biografía de una estrella" and "El Don de Arder. Mujeres que están cambiando el mundo".
I choose Ima because I really liked "El don de arder". In this book she shows fifty-nine dialogue portraits... They are the histories of womans that have defend her ideals.
I liked the book because it's really interesting and easy to read and there she could write very well the histories.
Here is a picture of Ima and one of the cover of the book

Thursday, May 28, 2009
My Career is... Journalism !!!! (:
I always wanted to study this career, because I like to write. I don't think that I could be studying anything else, 'cause I don't like the other careers LOL ahahahahahha
At first I wasn't sure of Journalism because there are A LOT of journalist, so in that moment I thought in study other things like: "Letras", "Diseño Gráfico", "Ciencias Políticas"... But when I was seventeen years old I decided to study this career in this university.
I think that a journalist contribute to society because helps the pleople with the things that are important for their lifes, besides thanks to the journalist everybody can inform about the Current importance and understand the informaction
I don't have a favourite subject in these career but in this moment the one that I like the most is "Crónica y Entrevista". I think that it's really fun, dynamic and very interesting, because you get to know more about something in particular.
At first I wasn't sure of Journalism because there are A LOT of journalist, so in that moment I thought in study other things like: "Letras", "Diseño Gráfico", "Ciencias Políticas"... But when I was seventeen years old I decided to study this career in this university.
I think that a journalist contribute to society because helps the pleople with the things that are important for their lifes, besides thanks to the journalist everybody can inform about the Current importance and understand the informaction
I don't have a favourite subject in these career but in this moment the one that I like the most is "Crónica y Entrevista". I think that it's really fun, dynamic and very interesting, because you get to know more about something in particular.
Right now I'm very happy with journalism.
(: bye !
Monday, May 11, 2009
These photos are really old ahahaha... But I love them. (: They are Lorena Maya and Camila Molina xD almost twenty years ago... Lorena is my best friend, she studies differential education in La Serena. The photos were taken in Copiapó, I don't know the exact date... But I think that they're from 1989, the year I was born. There we were in a big bed.... The bed of the parents of Lore xD. My uncle Carlos (the father of Lorena) took the photos. I like the photos because of the colors (the blue blanket and our white clothes), and obviously 'cause I'm with Lorena....... And it's cool 'cause I look taller xD. I think that both photos are funny and adorable.
The first photo is adorable 'cause Lorena and I are holding our hands <3.> And the second is funny 'cause we look crazy O_O
I hope you like the photos and don't laugh of my big head xD

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Queer Journalism For... Everybody (:

As you all know, every day I visit a lot of websites, I could be all day reading on internet.
Most of the websites that I look are about music, like POTQ, NNM, Super 45… and about other topics, like Zancada or Viste La Calle. But I think that the website CUDS is one of the most interesting one.
This is an organisation that works for radicals changes in the culture. They are part of the worldwide GLBTTI (gay, lesbians, bisexual, transgendered, two -Spirited and Intersexed), so they are against discrimination, especially the one that is against homosexuals.
In this website they published news, exciting articles and fascinating interviews.
Also, they organise a lot of conferences, for example, one of them is the Construction of the masculinity or Drag King develops.
I know this website since last year and I’ve been follow it since then.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My Notebook

My favorite piece of technology is my Dell notebook. My dad gave it to me in 2007.
I like it because it helps me for my works of the university and I can keep my personal stuff. I use it for listen music, chat on the messenger, search on the web, download music, facebook, flickr, last.fm and a lot of other websites.
What I don’t like of my notebook is that it’s too heavy.
I hope you like it too because it's really cool ahahaha.
Friday, April 10, 2009
First .
Hi ! I'm Camila Molina and I'm 19 years old. I was born in Copiapó and when I was 9 years old I went to live to Calama. I study journalism and I'm living in the center of Santiago.
I don't know if I love these carreer but I do like it because I like to write and I think that journalism is fun.
I like to laugh with my friends, go out to dance and have fun. I also like music, photography, dye my hair of different colors and be with the people that I love.
About my blog, I like the layout that I chose because the colors, the design and the main photo are beautiful.
It's holyday so I'm with my grandmother in her house in Peñaflor. It's a nice and calmed place near Santiago.
I like this english course because it's very important for our future and because the classes are very dynamics.
Bye ! (:
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