A lot of people think that journalism is very easy.
I think the most difficult thing in the career is that there’s too man journalist and that sucks because a lot of private universities are starting the career and sometimes the education that is given to the student is not the best, but many students like those universities because they have good equipment and stuffs of good quality.
In the technology, I think that there are many challenges. Because we have to work with good and essentials elements. And we have to learn how to use them. For example, in the ICEI there’s not good technology for all the students, there’s not many cameras for photography and the computers re the worst, we have to be fighting with them ahahaha.
In connection with Social Matters, I don’t understand so much the topic but I think that is hard for the journalist to have an own voice and not get carried away by all the big media. Also, in Chile many people think that all we do is studying be on the TV for opine and talking about all the famous people.
About Education it depends very much on the place that one is studying, for example, It’s no the same stud here (Universidad de Chile) that study journalism in the Universidad Católica. There are points of views there are too different from each. And journalists have to be learning and exploring new things all the time
All the time. All night long (8)
I agree with you about it from the overcrowding of journalists.
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