As you all know, every day I visit a lot of websites, I could be all day reading on internet.
Most of the websites that I look are about music, like POTQ, NNM, Super 45… and about other topics, like Zancada or Viste La Calle. But I think that the website CUDS is one of the most interesting one.
This is an organisation that works for radicals changes in the culture. They are part of the worldwide GLBTTI (gay, lesbians, bisexual, transgendered, two -Spirited and Intersexed), so they are against discrimination, especially the one that is against homosexuals.
In this website they published news, exciting articles and fascinating interviews.
Also, they organise a lot of conferences, for example, one of them is the Construction of the masculinity or Drag King develops.
I know this website since last year and I’ve been follow it since then.